Kjøkken mandag

Lekkert kjøkken med stor øy som er et høyt ønske hos meg. Veldig svak for lampene også...

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Good Vibrations...

You have read this article architecture / baths / bedrooms / homes / Living room with the title February 2011. You can bookmark this page URL https://interior-heaven.blogspot.com/2011/02/good-vibrations.html. Thanks!

Søndags kos...

Home And Cottage

I dag er det en deilig dag her, solen skinner og det drypper fra taket. Dagen skal helt klart tilbringes ute, kanskje man skal ta seg en tur opp i Holmekollen og få med se litt VM stemning.

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Project: Rust Removal...

When we moved over from Atlanta, all our items went into storage for many months. While moving in to our new place {which we are renting while we still have our other rented abode in Atlanta}, we found that our locker had started to rust on the front, so one of our first projects after we moved in was to get our locker back to its original state before any more rust formed {before on the left, after on the right}.

I wasn’t exactly sure how to do this so I asked my boss at work, Brandino Brass, how fix it. He told me to get Scotch Brite Heavy Duty scour pads and scrub/sand the whole locker down, then clean it off, and put on a coat of wax. 

Sanding was a tough job by hand and took a lot of elbow grease so I got out my sander {which I got as a wedding present – love it!}. I had to be very careful when sanding with the sander to keep the same pattern and not to press down too hard. After I sanded all the rust of, I wiped down the locker with a wet towel and then dried it off.

Once dry, I used the scour pad in a circular motion all on the front on the locker to give more of a sheen. You can see in the picture below the top of the locker has been done by hand and the bottom part has been sanded by the sander. After sanding the front again and cleaning it off I applied a coat of wax and buffed it off {leaving it as smooth as butter}. The after may be better than when we first got it!

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Et rom jeg gjerne skulle hatt mer orden på er vaskerommet. Om bare mitt vaskerom hadde sett ut som noen av disse hadde jeg vært strålende fornøyd. Hos meg er vaskerommet et rom som har stort behov for litt oppgradering....
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Office Space...

It's slowly approaching...tax season. Is anyone ready or already filed? I would say I am an early bird, I try to file as quick {and painlessly} as possible. With my tax refund I might consider updating my computer desk to a lovely table as seen in these images
courtesy: house&home
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Våren har kommet til Pottery Barn og jeg kan vel ikke si at savnet etter våren blir noe mindre av å bla i den ny katalogen deres. Klikk deg inn HER for å ta en titt.
You have read this article Outdoor / Pottery Barn / Spring with the title February 2011. You can bookmark this page URL https://interior-heaven.blogspot.com/2011/02/var.html. Thanks!

Stylist; Nan Whitney...

 courtesy: nan whitney
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Rødt og hvitt

 House Beautiful

Et sommerhjem i Bridgehampton innredet i hvitt, rødt og antikke skatter.
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