
your weekend!
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I am Me...

Do you ever get reminded of who you are and how you got there. I guess I was reminded of it today, because it is my birthday. As the phones calls, emails, and e-cards arrive, as flowers are delivered, and presents arrive in the mail, you are reminded of just how much you are loved. I am so blessed for all that the Lord has provided and given to me in my life. I am so blessed for the family and friends who love me. My family has helped make me who I am.

(Please excuse all the orange and blue. We were at an Auburn tailgate. We are all Auburn fans, except my husband, he is an Alabama fan. He and I would be considered a 'mixed marriage' or 'a divided house'. If you are from the South or understand football rivalries, you know what I mean.)
My parents were high school sweethearts (as were TJ's parents). They have always provided me with a loving and caring home, a childhood of wonderful memories, and guided my life through the Lord.

My sister and brother are two of my best friends. Believe it or not, but that is our little brother in the middle. It is funny how as children we inseparable, and are slowly feeling that way again as we get older and our bond gets stronger.

(older sister, younger brother, myself)

The newest addition to our family and the start of the next generation, is my niece. She has brought so much joy into our family, we could not have imagined.

And then there is my husband, who rubs my back every morning, gives me sweet kisses on my forehead, and hugs me o' so tight. He is my best friend, my mate, my total opposite, yet my counterpart, my partner crime, my hopeless romantic, my love, my home.

I love being me.

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Go Exotic...

In Metropolitan Home, see Virginia-based designer, Barry Dixon, use velvets and silks to "play things against their own opposite" for these owners.

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Give me a B...

I love the collection of letters. I have been trying to start a collection of B's for my last name and haven't had any luck. I am jealous of Urban Grace Interiors when I came across her collection.

I would have loved to have come across this find as well.

Pottery Barn has them on sale right now. Hopefully yours isn't sold out like mine.
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The Best of...

See what we went nuts for over at Domino.
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Hue Would You Choose...

Courteous of Domino

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Farmhouse Chic...

Sorry, I don't recall where I got these photos.
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Water Color...

Inspiration from the sea guided this Long Island home.

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Wedding Bells...

I was so happy to hear from one of my best friends that she got engaged on Monday. I am so excited for her!
She mentioned having the wedding outdoors and I came across the photos of Jenna Bush's wedding. I love the backdrop! And can picture her standing in front of it. And who wouldn't want to dance the night away in that tent. If you know of any other inspirational images or wedding sites that may help her, please let me know. Thanks! Wedding season is among us...

photos via People
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Quite Lofty...

I love this space.
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Clean lines + Flea Market finds...

See how designer Nancy Bozhardt creates spaces that are current and classic.

images: house beautiful
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